Works Cited

“A History of Football Helmets.” Get Football Helmets. n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2010,
     This site gave me good information on the history of football helmets inventors and     

     inventions that helped improve the football helmet. This I believe was a good secondary     
     source that gave me accurate dates and helpful information for our site. I recommend 
     this site for anyone looking for information on the history of football helmets. Secondary

“Baltimore Ravens Helmet.” NFL Helmet History. i-NFL Helmet, 2004. Web. 6 Jan. 2010.  
     This site gave me information on the football helmet of our hometown team, the Baltimore 
     Ravens. In this site it gave me the color design and decals of the Ravens helmet. I just
     thought this was cool because I love watching them play. Secondary

Burns, Quiana. "Ready For Some Football & and Concussions." ABC News. ABC News  
     Internet Ventures, 31 Aug 2006. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.  
     This website was very helpful for me because of its descriptive information. The source is   

     not very reliable because the writer may have known nothing on this topic. Also, there are 
     a few grammar mistakes which can make it more unreliable. Secondary

"Catastrophic head injuries in football dramatically higher at high school level than college 
     level." The Medical News. n.d., 4 July 2007. Web. 9 Dec. 2009.
     This article was very informative because it had a lot of statistics on head injuries. The  

     author was probably very informed when she wrote this because of the information. So this 
     article can be very reliable. Secondary

Ferrara, Vincent R. Xenith Adaptive Head Protection. youtube. Xenith, n.d. Web. 15 Nov.   
     2009. n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2010. 
     < &feature=player_embedded>
     This video was very interesting and informative because it told about one of the new  
     football helmet designs. It is very reliable because the person in the video is the CEO,   
     president, and founder of the company that created the football helmet. He knew a lot 
     about the topic so he could tell me a lot of information. Primary

Flores, Cassaundra. “Looking forward to changes in NFL football helmets.” Ezine @rticles, n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2010. 
     <  changes-in-NFL-helmets&id=1155741>.
     This site didn’t give me secondary source on the history of football helmets but it did give   
     me good information on the future of football helmets. This site introduced me to          the   
     sideline response system technology which is a way to track a player’s health from inside  
     their helmet. I feel that this site gave me the aspect that even with all of the amazing 
     innovations in the football helmet there are still many more to come. Secondary

"Football Concussions and Brain Injury." TSR Injury Law. TSR Injury Law, n.d.
     Web. 14 Dec. 2009.


     This article had good information about concussion statistics. It also mentions       

     serious brain injuries in football. It is not greatly reliable because it had no author.

"Football Concussion Statistics." Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 
     Questia Media America, 2000. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.
     This article gives very good information about concussion statistics. It had strong  

     vocabulary so that can make it more reliable. Also, the author is pretty reliable because the  
     group who wrote it does things with physical education. Secondary

“Football Fever: Inventions that Shaped the Modern Game.” Invent Help, Inventhelp, n.d.    
     Web. 6 Jan. 2010. <>.
     This site I think was very useful to me in many ways. It gave me information on the   

     innovations that made a huge difference in safety during the early years of football. I have   
     to say this was probably my favorite site that I used for this project. Secondary

Gaffney, Andrew. 10 Steps In The High-Tech Evolution Of Pro Football Helmets, Popular
     Mechanics, 5 Sep 2008. Web. 6 Jan. 2010.   
     This site was great on giving me the information on the over looked part of the football   

     helmet, the facemask. This site gave me the different types of facemasks in history and 
     special ones worn by select players in history. This was a secondary source that I 
     recommend for anyone looking for information on facemasks. Secondary

Hall, Susan. How Products Are Made. MadeHow, n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2010.
     This site was very interesting to me because it showed me the different types of materials 

     that football helmets have been made out of. The main materials are leather and 
     polycarbonate. I think this was a very useful site for our project. Secondary

Kuwana, Ellen. "Long-Term Effects of Concussions in Football Players." Neuroscience for   
     Kids. 18 May 2004. Web. 9 Dec. 2009. <>.    
This article had good information about head injuries in football. It did not use very strong  

     vocabulary so it is not very reliable. Also, there is no author so that makes it even less 
     reliable. Secondary

Lerner, Ivan. "The History of Chemicals and the Football Helmet." Reed
     Business, 17 Aug 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. 

     <     helmet.html>
     This article gave great information about the plastic football helmet. It used very strong 

     vocabulary so that can make it more reliable. The author is anonymous so that can make 
     the article not as reliable. Secondary

Lukas, Paul, The Rich History of Helmets, ESPN, 16 Dec. 2004. Web. 6 Jan. 2010.    
     This was another site that gave me information on football facemasks. But this one was  

     mostly focused on the facemasks that you can tell the player just by looking at them. Also, 
     it says how in present day football the players aren’t noticed by their facemask. Secondary

"Mass Times Acceleration Equals Force." Brain Injury Research Foundation. 17 June 2009.  

     Web. 9 Dec. 2009. < prev-football.html>
    This article gave descriptive details of a survey they took of a football team and their    
     injuries. It reliable because of the descriptive facts they gave. Also, they mention real 
     names of people that they used in their survey. Secondary

"Origin of the Football Helmet." Home Team Home Team Sports, n.d. Web. 1  
     Dec. 2009. <>.
     This article had valid information about the origin of the football helmet. It gave very 

     descriptive details so that can make it more reliable. It is also sort of reliable because the  
     company has to do with Riddell, but there is no author. Secondary

Riddell, Riddell, Riddell, Web. 6 Jan. 2010. <>.
     This time I felt like listing the football helmets that are available to buy and wear today. This 
     site I have to say was really cool and had awesome graphics. Hopefully you find the 
     amount of football helmets there are as interesting as I did. Primary

"Safety First." Helmet Hut. n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2009. <>
     This article was very useful because of the specific details it gave. This article is reliable 
     because of the specific dates and names it gave. Unfortunately, it isn't reliable because the   
     author could have made up these dates and names because it doesn't give any 
     background on him. Secondary

“Schutt Sports Historical Timeline.” Schutt Sports. Spindustry Interactive. n.d. Web. 6 Jan.   
     2009. <>.
     This website is all based on a timeline of Schutt football helmets and I think it is just   

     amazing with all of the things they have done to improve the game. This timeline dates 
     from 1935 to 2008. The information listed ranges from the first faceguard they produced to 
     the first DNA Pro football helmet they made. Primary

Starkey, Jonathan. "Head Games." The Washington Post 10 Nov. 2009: E1+. Print.
     This article is very reliable because the author has had past experience with football. Also,     

     he posted this article in the Washington Post. Lastly, it is very reliable because he gave  
     great details about the concussions that happen in football and why they happen. Primary