Football Helmet Creators

     There has been many different football helmet creators. Every single one of them has made something different to improve football. 
     The first football helmet was a leather cap made by a shoe maker for Admiral Joseph Mason Reeves. Reeves was told by his doctor that another kick to the head would cause instant insanity or even death. This innovation started all football helmets.
     The next change in football helmets was from the leather football helmet to the plastic football helmet. This change was made by the employees of John Riddell. He made the helmet have a plastic shell with a cotton web suspension for the head and neck. This was a huge breakthrough in the football helmet.
     There has been many changes to improve the safety of football. One of the new helmet's names is Xenith. The creator of this helmet is Vincent Ferrara. In this helmet there is 18 air filled shock absorbers that let air escape and come back when it is hit. Also, the Xenith football helmet fits better because the chin strap is attached to the back of the helmet. When you pull the chin strap forward the back fits on your neck perfectly. There are definitely many advantages to the Xenith helmet. 
      All of these different types of football helmets help stop head injuries more and more, but there is still a lot more to do.